It’s been four eventful months since the last posting to this blog. When I began this page I was hoping to update it every couple of weeks or so, but I’ve found that’s easier said than done.
Since the last posting I went home for a week during Christmas, my Peace Corps group had it’s Close of Service (COS) conference in late January, and my parents just left the country after a two week visit.
As for work, we’ve pressed forward with English classes. After almost a year and a half I now have 21 students (down from the 45 we started with). They have improved tremendously and I’m very proud of them. I continue to work with two small business on their business practices, and was able to impart another project management workshop to a group of local artesans that want to organize themselves into a cooperative.
We also were able to complete a Peace Corps Partnership grant, and with donations from friends and family, received a donation of $3,500 for a local library. Implementing this project will be my primary project work over the next few months. Thank you so much to all who made a donation! Expect more news in your inbox as the project progresses.
Our rural tourism group has received two more groups of International Student Volunteers (ISV). This time the students came from Australia and New Zealand. They worked with the Sports Committee and Catholic Church on projects. My hat is off to the ISV volunteers! Every group has made a great effort. They are an extremely positive force in the development of San Cristóbal Norte and we are so lucky to have them. I hope some of the volunteers have a chance to read this blog and understand how much we appreciate their work.
In the school they are putting the finishing touches on a brand new computer lab. The classroom is ready with air conditioning, a new electrical system, freshly painted walls, new furniture, and a security system. The computers will be installed within the next couple of weeks and the school is expected to receive a teacher to give computer classes to the kids. It is very satisfying to see this project nearly finished.
Incredibly, my Peace Corps experience is coming to a close. The COS conference we just completed marks our last official conference with fellow volunteers and the Peace Corps office. (see picture above of group at COS) From now on we will still be busy closing out projects, but we will not be getting together as a group. This still has not completely sunk in. It’s amazing how fast two years can go by!
As I look ahead to the next few months, it looks like I will be pretty busy. I have to finish up project work with the library and English classes, prepare for the next volunteer, take care of a mountain of paperwork that PC requires for me to be able to leave the country, and start planning for the future.
On the other hand…who am I kidding! I live in a wonderful country, in a small town surrounded my people who care about me and look after me, and work over the next few months should be pretty manageable. I hope to take more time than usual between now and May to enjoy friendships down here, with Ticos and fellow volunteers.
Also, I hope to make a few more blog posts over the next months with more details of the completion of my service in San Cristóbal Norte.
Yesterday at the school, one of the teachers said to me “you’ve really done a lot for the town during your time here…it’s been a very productive two years!” That comment was very kind of her. I think it’s true, when I think about all we’ve accomplished here…it makes me very proud.
So there’s my ramble! I hope to make some more posts between now and May. Post Peace Corps my plan is to do some traveling through South America, which I also plan to record here on the blog.
So stay tuned!...the adventure is not over yet :)